not your kind of people

ImageI haven’t been this excited about album releases since.. I don’t even know. But this spring/summer two of my longtime, very much missed FAVES are coming out with new music. EEK! The new Garbage album Not Your Kind of People comes out May 15. Here’s the first single, Blood for Poppies.

And… Garbage is coming to SLC in April and I got my tix yesterday!! I absolutely cannot wait!!!!

Fiona Apple is finally releasing a new album, too. The Idler Wheel is wiser than the Driver of the Screw, and Whipping Cords will serve you more than Ropes will ever do is the title {I ♥ her quirkiness so much} and it comes out sometime in June. She’s debuted a couple new songs live, apparently, and there are videos online everywhere, but I am holding out for the album version {or live-and-in-person-version if she tours pre-release..} cuz I’m weird like that.

ruthie sommers

I am probably about 3 years behind on realizing the brilliance of Ruthie Sommers {she designed many of the interiors featured in Domino magazine, so her name was everywhere for a while there}. I was going through folders on my laptop and found all these gems {yes, I am a digital pack rat of stuff I find inspiring, pretty, weird, interesting, etc}. These are all Ruthie Sommers’ designs and I love her eye. I love her eclectic boho-but-glamorous vibe and the unexpected pairings in all these spaces.

Via Matter of Style. Fresh and springy. I love that coral color.

Via Matter of Style. Eclectic and happy. Looks at all those different eras blended together. The picture on the left is one of my favorites of all time because it’s just so funky. Love the rug!

Via In Style Home. Classic but funky. This is so In Style mag circa 2005, given the zebra. I do think zebra is pretty awesome, though.

Via So Haute. Dramatic and sexy. I love the black walls! Hard to carry off, for sure. Those mossy orbs are so whimsical. I love moss.

Via So’Mace Design. Quirky and cheerful. This is a room designed for the sole purpose of eating ice cream cones and cupcakes.

Via Domino {Drew Barrymore’s office}, and Habitually Chic. Statement making. Everything in that picture on the left could be 1940 or 2010. That red hutch is downright presidential. On the left, again with the dark walls, which takes a pretty basic, boring space and makes it totally dramatic.