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I’m really excited because today’s and the next like, 5 outfits on the list are totally comfy…After yesterday’s gut-sucker-inner. Yesssss.

Nothing notable about today except my temporarily amazing-looking eyebrows, which I totally colored in with eyeshadow. Last week I was researching home remedies for regrowing eyebrows and learned that almond oil might do the trick. I’ve been diligently applying almond oil to my eyebrows 3 times a day for a whole week. Has anyone tried this and have it really work ?

A too-late-and-highly-specific lesson: don’t let your 14 year old self go pluck-happy just because skinny chola brows were in style in 1998. It’s possible they won’t grow back.

—-> Belt – Merona, bracelet: Merona

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